Help to get the rating I deserve

Chris Fendley Leave a Comment

I’ll be honest I probably never would have gone with any of these type of companies for fear of them being a scam. However, I served with Kyle and anyone who knows him will tell you he is a stand-up guy. When I started working with Kyle, I was at 60%. Then he just started talking to me about my life and my disabilities, and he asked me very specific questions about each scenario. For me that was what made the service worth every penny. He knew the right questions to ask, and is able to help translate into the right verbiage for the VA. As I suffer from a lot of mental health problems it was difficult to answer some questions but never once did I feel judged or sense anything other than empathy and compassion. I know not all situations will have a different outcome, but I am now 100% P&T with SMC. All thanks to Kyle for taking the time to talk to me and help me through this journey.

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